Air Conditioner Temp

Aircon Vs Electric Heater

Did you know than an air conditioner is at least 3 times more efficient as an electric heater? To get a bit technical with this, A normal bar heater draws 2 kW of power for 2 kW of heat. A reverse cycle air conditioner which has a cooling and heating function, requires only 0.6 kW…

Air Conditioner Installations

Aircon For Sale

Deciding to purchase an air conditioner for your home or office is a big decision to make. But where exactly do you purchase one from? If you Google “Buy An Aircon” or “Aircon For Sale” you will get many results, but most of these results are for large chain stores where you buy an aircon…

Home Air Conditioning

Home Air Conditioning

Air conditioner units are commonly installed in most businesses but home air-conditioning has always been far less popular. This trend is changing at a rapid rate and this is mainly attributed to aircon units evolving making them far cheaper to purchase, maintain and far more energy efficient. Many people install air conditioning units purely for…